
Subsistence allowance rates

  • Breakfast $11.00
  • Lunch $16.00
  • Supper $24.00
  • Daily maximum $51.00

Travel per km reimbursement rate

  • $0.61 per km (for the first 5,000 kms) (effective January 1, 2022)

Non-hotel stay allowance rate

  • $40 per night
  • This allowance can be requested when a Clearview employee stays in an alternate location instead of incurring the cost of a hotel room when on authorized and scheduled Clearview business (such as attending a conference). Submissions for the allowance are made to the Associate Superintendent, in writing, within 90 calendar days of the actual stay.

Trustee Honorariums

  • Per diem rate of $185.00 for a full day (over 4 hours including travel time) and $92.50 for a half day (under 4 hours including travel)
  • Per diem rate of $215.00 per day for meetings that require an overnight stay (includes daily meal allowance)
  • Each trustee receives a basic monthly allowance equal to one day's per diem per month and that the Board Chair receives an additional one day per diem per month.